When you’re ready to proceed with your application, the following is an example of the type of information we will require. Sometimes it takes time to get the required information together and the more prepared you are, the less issues we will have during the application process.

Note that the following is a guide. An exact list of requirements will be provided to you by Paul or one of his team members.

The following information will be required from all applicants;

  • Name, address, DOB, licence number (front and back copies of licences will be required)
  • The number of your dependant children and ages
  • 3 years of address history
  • Your employment details; current position, gross & net income, name & address of current employer, start date, employment type and duties (copies of payslips will be required)
  • If you’re self employed then company type, name, trading name, ABN/ACN
  • Income details; include bonuses, commissions, Centrelink, etc.
  • Monthly living expenses; groceries, utilities, travel, entertainment, etc.
  • Liabilities/debts; existing loans, car loans, HECS, credit cards, etc.
  • Assets; property, home contents, savings, stocks, jewellery, cars, etc.

Any lender will require supporting documentation. Below is an example of the documents which are required to be presented to a lender.

  • Payslips
  • Bank statements
  • ATO Notice of Assessments
  • Centrelink statements
  • If self employed; business bank account statements
  • If self employed; last 2 tax returns.